新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孙瑞哲:智能制造是迈向纺织强国的必然之路


Sun Ruizhe: intelligent manufacturing is towards textile power necessary to

2015-08-14 12:12:53来源: 和讯网

机器在18秒内能裁剪好一条牛仔裤,3分钟可完成洗水效果……爱斯达服饰有限公司通过自主研发智能激光雕刻裁剪一体机,生产效率得到大大提升,成本获得大大的降低。 “未来,更多企业需要用到我们的智能裁缝技术。”在爱斯达创始人樊友斌看来,智能制造是传统服装行业未来转型的必然之路,否则就会被市场...

machine can cut a pair of jeans, 3 minutes can finish washing effects in 18 seconds... ASTA Garments Co., Ltd. through independent research and development of intelligent laser engraving and cutting integrated machine, the production efficiency are greatly improved, the cost is reduced greatly. "In the future, more companies need to use our smart tailoring technology." Fanyou bin, the founder of the ASTA in view, the intelligent manufacturing is the traditional garment industry in the future transformation of the inevitable road, otherwise the market will be...