新关注 > 信息聚合 > MPAA:调查显示女生爱《饥饿游戏》 《变形金刚4..

MPAA:调查显示女生爱《饥饿游戏》 《变形金刚4..

MPAA: survey shows that girls love "the Hunger Games" 4..

2015-03-12 23:06:02来源: 199IT

《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(上)》女性观众更多 近日,美国电影协会MPAA公布了一项针对2014年商业大片观众多样性的调查。调查显示,在2014年票房排行榜前5位的电影中,有4部电影是男性观众占多数,只...

"Transformers" the Hunger Games: at 3 birds (on) "women in the audience more recently, America Film Association MPAA published a survey of 2014 blockbuster audience diversity. Investigation shows, in 2014 at the box office top 5 films, 4 films is the male audience accounted for the majority, only...

标签: 游戏