新关注 > 信息聚合 > 柯震东李毓芬深夜聚会 女方否认恋爱(图)

柯震东李毓芬深夜聚会 女方否认恋爱(图)

Ke Zhendong Tia Lee night the woman denied love (map)

2015-02-20 14:28:06来源: 新华报业网


according to Hong Kong media reports, in March last year and Elva Hsiao (ELVA) ended more than 2 years of sister brother love Ke Zhendong, blasting recent ambiguous object, is her 6 year old Tia Lee. Two people in July last year, was photographed 3 times a week conspiracy; recently is caught by the media in the bar date, Ke Zhendong in the past more than half a year,...