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Dangdang shareholders publicly accused Li Guoqing: privatization as arbitrage

2015-07-23 14:20:53来源: 亿邦动力网


7 month 23. Recently, a letter "Dangdang board open letter" exposure. A claiming to Dangdang shareholders who said angry Dangdang CEO liguoqing and chairwoman Peggy Yu July 9 submitted prior to the start of the U. S. stock market per $7.8 privatization plan, the price not only seriously underestimated Dangdang company's value, but also greatly damaged the Dangdang shareholder interests. The letter said that the privatization offer a strong speculation and arbitrage property, Dangdang CEO and chairman of the U.S. stock market time difference, with Dangdang shareholders as counterparty to arbitrage. The following is the full text of the open letter: Dangdang directors, members of the Special Committee on: as a long-term shareholders of Dangdang, I to Dangdang CEO liguoqing and chairwoman Peggy Yu July 9 submitted prior to the start of the U. S. stock market per $7.8 privatization plan angry. I and most of the Dangdang shareholders, think this price is not only seriously underestimated when...