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A comprehensive upgrade, rescuers Y920 supernova

2017-05-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今日,联想科技创新大会杭州站圆满的落下帷幕,展会上联想集团展示了一系列具有创新技术的科技产品,体现了联想未来对智能家居,云服务,PC产品创新化的发展思路,让人印象深刻的是,在此次会议上联想集团高级副总裁贾朝晖发布了拯救者顶级游戏装备新旗舰——拯救者Y920。 (贾朝晖介绍拯救者Y920) 这款全面升级的拯救者家族新旗舰拯救者Y920,处理器由上一代的Core i7-6820HK升级成了Intel Core i7-7820HK处理器,搭配Nvidia GTX-1070 8GB DDR5发烧级游戏显卡革新了运行速度和使用稳定性。加上超薄RGB机械键盘,重新定义了游戏本的个性化展现。成为本...

Today, lenovo science and technology innovation of hangzhou station comference, show lenovo group shows a series of innovative technology products of science and technology, embodies the lenovo's future intelligent household, cloud services, PC products the development of innovative ideas, impressive, lenovo group in the meeting, senior vice President of jia from zhaohui released a savior new flagship - save Y920 top game equipment. (jia from zhaohui is introduced to save Y920) a comprehensive upgrade the saviors of family new flagship savior Y920, processor by a generation of hk upgrade into Intel Core i7 Core i7-6820-7820 hk processor, tie-in Nvidia GTX - 1070 8 gb DDR5 "game using graphics have revolutionized the speed and stability. With ultra-thin RGB mechanical keyboard, redefined the game this personalized show. To be the...