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玩FPS要四核吗? CSOL2处理器需求测试

Quad play FPS? CSOL2 processor needs test

2015-04-08 06:21:55来源: 中关村在线

提到第一人称射击类游戏,不少人会想到孤岛危机、使命召唤、战地系列,这些经典FPS大作普遍拥有高画质、高拟真度,它们致力于打造一个使玩家们临其境的空间,可以说是每个FPS爱好者必玩的游戏。当然这些游戏对电脑配置需求也不低,每一款都是高端玩家配置电脑时的风向标。 FPS游戏中还有一个派系...

mentioned first person shooter game, many people will think of Crysis, call of duty, the battlefield series, the classic FPS masterpiece generally have high quality, high fidelity, which is committed to creating a game player who immersive space, can be said to be all FPS lovers will play the game. Of course, these games on the computer configuration is not low, each game player is a high-end computer configuration when the vane. There is a faction of the FPS game...

标签: PS