新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穿越火线枪战王者新手应该避免的7个陋习


Across the FireWire shootout King novice should avoid the seven habits

2015-11-06 17:01:13来源: 4399

穿越火线枪战王者玩的人越来越多了,也有很多的新玩家加入,可能大家在玩CF手游之前没有玩过任何手机版的枪战游戏,在战斗中都会因为一些错误的行为导致经常被杀,下面4399东东为玩家们整理出7个陋习,玩家们改掉之后可以变得更好! 陋习一:无脑拼枪 在5V5的经典爆破模式中,每一个队员都是宝...

crossing the line of fire shooting King play of more and more people, there are a lot of new players to join, may everyone in CF hand travel play before did not play any mobile phone version of the shooting game, in fighting for a few wrong behavior leads to often be killed, 4399 stuff below for the players to sort out the seven habits, players get rid of can become better! A bad habit: no brain spell in the classical model of 5V5 blasting gun, every player is a treasure...

标签: 穿越火线