新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美网资格赛张恺琳完胜进次轮 朱琳仅得3局遭横扫

美网资格赛张恺琳完胜进次轮 朱琳仅得3局遭横扫

The us open qualifying Zhang Kailin victory only 3 bureau was swept into the second round zhu Lin

2016-08-24 10:22:13来源: 新浪

张恺琳(资料图) 新浪体育讯 北京时间8月24日,2016年最后一项大满贯、美国网球公开赛展开了资格赛首日的争夺。在率先结束的两场比赛中,资格赛五号种子张恺琳以6-2/6-3完胜乌克兰老将贝格兹...

Zhang Kailin (figure) sina sports - Beijing time on August 24, 2016, the last grand slam, launched on the first day of qualifying for the us open. In the first two games after the end of the qualifying five seed Zhang Kailin to 6-2/6-3 victory over Ukraine veteran berg,...