新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百雀羚神广告失败?做公关谈转化的,大部分都是耍流氓


The sparrow gazelles god ads fail? Do public relations about transformation, most of them are play rascal

2017-05-12 02:34:08来源: 凤凰新闻


The sparrow current events are still in the fermentation, the plot seems to be in reverse again? Truth who all understand, but I still want to play rascal, this view of the industry is not responsible for, uncle must step in to talk. Pr, whether in the spread of traditional media, or in the spread of new media, is designed to improve the volume and the reputation of the brand, if hair soft articles, or to do a 100000 + WeChat, can bring transformation, direct selling goods, this is totally not understand pr value a KPI...