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Three introduction method for playing the game of life

2015-04-16 10:32:00来源: 太平洋女性网

作为一个孩子,我习惯于把生活当成一种游戏,在那里你开车出发,有两条道路可以选择——大学之路,时间有点长但是能挣很多薪水,或者是工作之路,能让你快速起步,但是在过后的游戏中花费巨大。 在“现实生活”的游戏中,我注意到我们可以走三条路,每一条都是通往完全不同的人生经历,我们的境遇、梦想和...

as a child, I used to regard life as a game, where you drive, there are two roads to choose from -- University Road, time is a bit long but can make a lot of salary, or work on the road, can let you quickly the start, but after a game at great expense. In "real life" of the game, I noticed that we can take the three road, every one is the completely different life experiences, our circumstances, dream and...

标签: 游戏