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间谍的阴谋?《Pokemon Go》遭到多国警告

Spy plot? The Pokemon Go by multinational warning

2016-07-22 15:33:52来源: 新浪

大受欢迎的增强现实智能手机游戏《精灵宝可梦Go》(Pokémon Go)本周正式扩展到另外26个国家。与此同时,世界各地不少地方的安全与宗教当局对它发出警告。 在沙特阿拉伯,神职人员重申了目前对...

The popularity of the augmented reality smartphone game "fairy treasure can dream Go" (Pokemon Go) this week extended to other 26 countries. At the same time, many places around the world security and religious authorities warned about it. In Saudi Arabia, clergy, reiterated the for...