新关注 > 信息聚合 > iPhone十年:指尖挥斥方遒 多少生活因它变

iPhone十年:指尖挥斥方遒 多少生活因它变

IPhone ten years: how many lives do fingertips kill?

2017-09-13 03:56:03来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京9月13日电2007年1月9日,第一代 iPhone 诞生,至今已有十年。这十年中,智能手机发展日新月异,人们的生活方式也因此发生了翻天覆地的变化。iPhone 5S独特的“土豪金”配色一度刷屏;“中国红”让人耳目一新,并赢得不少中国用户的青睐;iPhone 7/7 Plus亮...

Beijing, September 13, January 9, 2007, the first generation of iPhone has been born for ten years. In the past decade, smart phones have developed rapidly, and people's lifestyles have undergone tremendous changes. The iPhone 5S's unique "Tuhao Gold" color scheme was once used to refresh the screen; the "China Red" is refreshing and has won the favor of many Chinese users; the iPhone 7/7 Plus is bright.