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影视市场“过分娱乐化” 专家吁重视原创深度剧本

Television market "excessive entertainment" Expert Calls attention to the depth of the original screenplay

2016-04-16 20:03:10来源: 中国新闻网

中新网宁波4月16日电(记者 李佳赟)随着《捉妖记》、《美人鱼》不断“刷新”国产片票房纪录,不可否认,中国电影市场正上演着一场“集体狂欢”。但在这一盛世背后,也显露出电影剧本“原创性丧失,复制性膨胀...

BEIJING, Ningbo, April 16 (Reporter Li Jia Yun) With the "Vampire Killers mind," "The Little Mermaid" constantly "refresh" made films at the box office records, it is undeniable, the Chinese film market is staged in a "collective carnival." But behind this prosperity, but also reveal the screenplay "original loss of replicative expansion ...