新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国玩家众筹31万元 欲改行开电竞酒吧

美国玩家众筹31万元 欲改行开电竞酒吧

The congregation raised 310000 yuan to USA game player to open gaming bar

2015-04-22 07:40:29来源: 新浪

今年27岁、住在德州奥斯汀的Josh Burkhart热爱电竞,平常以销售电脑维生。如今他想在奥斯汀市开一间电竞酒吧,希望可以提供电竞迷在赛事期间有个聚会、一起看比赛的地方。外媒The Daily Dot 于近日采访他开店的动机,对此 Burkhart 表示,他有一群热爱《星际争霸 II...

this year 27 years old, live in Dezhou Austen Josh Burkhart love gaming, usually by computer sales. He wants to open a bar in the city of Austen gaming today, hoping to provide gaming fans during the event there is a party, watching the game place. Foreign media The Daily Dot recently interviewed him a motive, Burkhart said this, he has a group of love "StarCraft II...

标签: 玩家 电竞 众筹