新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9377《赤月传说2》新资料片上线 激发战斗新高潮

9377《赤月传说2》新资料片上线 激发战斗新高潮

9377 "red moon legend 2" the new expansion Inspire fight

2016-09-01 00:51:35来源: 新浪

Monster has come!9377《赤月传说2》新版资料片[祖巫古墓]震撼上线。现如今,来自远古魔族的诅咒之力卷土重燃,赤月英雄们是否得以再次团结一致,集结全部力量,与之抗衡呢?那潜藏在罪恶...

The Monster from the last come! 9377 "red moon legend 2" the new expansion [progenitor wu tomb] shock. Nowadays, the power of the curse from ancient inferno renewed volume soil, red moon whether heroes to unite as one, again gathered all the power, to compete with them? That lurks in sin...