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马塔恐遭狂人二度卖走 蝙蝠军团球迷请愿回签

Mata will be a madman second sell bats bianconeri fans petition sign back

2016-07-14 19:28:55来源: 华体网

据《阿斯报》消息,瓦伦西亚球迷十分希望俱乐部签下旧将马塔,为此在社交网络上还发起一项规模不小的活动。 马塔在2011年加盟切尔西,2014年冬天被穆里尼奥卖到了曼联;今夏魔力鸟再度成为马塔的教练...

According to the "daily news, the valencia fans hope that the club will sign the old mata, therefore on social networks also launched a large activities. Mata to Chelsea in 2011, in the winter of 2014 was mourinho sold to Manchester united; Mourinho once again become a mata coach this summer...