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【电商早报】传小红书融资$1亿 腾讯参投

[electricity] little red book of the $1 million Tencent involved in the transfer of small red book

2016-03-31 08:07:53来源: 亿邦动力网

传跨境电商小红书融资1亿美元 腾讯参投据国外媒体报道,海淘平台APP“小红书”从腾讯融资1亿美元,其估值达到10亿美元。该笔融资将帮助小红书进一步扩张。其中,该轮融资还吸引了Genesis Capital和Tiantu Capital的投资。据了解,在小红书的领英页面上,上线三年的小红书称其拥有1700万注册用户,并获得了GGV资本和Zhen Fund的投资。互联网医疗企业忙落地 妈咪知道要开诊所丁香园、春雨医生、新氧等相继在线下开诊所的互联网医疗平台后,母婴问诊类App妈咪知道也开始“觊觎”线下。亿邦动力网获悉,妈咪知道将在今年6月份开办其首家线下诊所,地点暂定于深圳海岸城。据悉,该诊所将定...

Biography cross-border electricity electricity suppliers Little Red Book Financing 100 million U.S. dollars to participate in foreign media reports, the sea Amoy platform APP Little Red Book Financing $100 million from the Tencent, its valuation of $1 billion. The financing will help to further expand the red book. Among them, the round of financing has also attracted the investment of Capital Tiantu and Capital Genesis. It is understood that in the red book on the British page, on-line three years of the red book says it has 17 million registered users, and access to GGV capital and Fund Zhen investment. Internet medical enterprises busy landing mommy know internet medical clinic platform to Lilac Garden, rain doctors, have new oxygen online clinic after maternal interrogation App mommy know began to covet the line. Billion state power network that mommy know in June of this year will open its first line of clinic, place a tentative in Shenzhen coastal city. It is reported that the clinic will be set...

标签: 腾讯 电商