新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刀塔传奇》3.2版本部分英雄技能调整介绍


"Legend" knife tower version 3.2 part introduces

2015-03-29 14:59:31来源: TechWeb

刀塔传奇3.2版本部分英雄技能调整介绍攻略为大家带来,有哪些英雄的技能被调整了呢。哪些英雄变强力了呢?哪些英雄削弱了呢?让我们一起来看看把! 【斧王】 淘汰之斧:巨斧从不怜悯弱者。如果敌人的生命值低于30%,则造成巨大物理伤害,否则只造成少量伤害。如果淘汰之斧杀死了敌人(包括召唤物)...

hero skills adjusting knife tower legend 3.2 versions of some hero skills adjusting introduction Raiders have brought to you, what are the skills of a hero is adjusted. Which hero has become more powerful? Which hero to weaken? Let's have a look! []: Axe axe axe out of never take pity on the weak. If the enemy's life value is lower than 30%, it caused great physical injury, or only small amounts of damage. If eliminated axe killing enemies (including call)...