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Airblock测评: 个性化编程DIY的无人机

Airblock assessment: personalized programming DIY drones

2017-09-03 23:08:17来源: DoNews

DoNews9月3日消息(记者 翟继茹)Airblock是一款能让青少年进行DIY组装和自定义编程的“玩具”,通过模块化编程可以让零基础的孩子也能操作一台属于自己的无人机。它在2016年就登陆了美国众筹网站Kickstarter,并取得了82万美元众筹金额的成绩。模块化设计 组装简单Airblock整箱分三层,第一层是一个黑色六边形核心主控和六个螺旋桨模块;第二层是文件夹,里面有产品说明书和各种贴纸;第三层是气垫船模型、电池、保护罩等配置物品。Airblock的核心其实只包含两大部分,中心控制模块和螺旋桨模块。中心控制模块是Airblock的大脑,虽然体量不大,但里面却包含电池、陀螺仪、气压传...

DoNews9 3 news (reporter Airblock ZhaiJiRu) is a can let teenagers to DIY assembly and custom programming "toy", by modular programming can make zero basis children can operate a belongs to own drone. It landed America in 2016 and the raise Kickstarter, and obtained the raise the amount of $820000. Modular design assembly simple Airblock FCL three layers, the first layer is a black hexagon core main control module and six propeller; The second layer is a folder, there are product manuals and various stickers; The third layer is the hovercraft model, battery, such as shield configuration items. Airblock core actually consists of two parts, the center control module and a propeller module. Center control module is Airblock brain, although the size is not big, but it contains battery, gyroscope, pneumatic transmission...

标签: AI 编程