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Shuikou zhe wild new announced the tetris effect

2018-06-06 23:49:19来源: 游戏时光

作为 E3 索尼展前发布会预热的第一弹,官方在6月6日晚23点准时公布了《俄罗斯方块效应》,本作由水口哲野以及开发《Rez 无限》《音乐方块》的原班人马打造,将在今年秋季登陆 PS4 平台,并支持 PS VR。根据官方的描述,《俄罗斯方块效应》的基本玩法依旧是传统的《俄罗斯方块》玩法,游戏包含超过30个关卡供玩家挑战,每个关卡都有独特的音乐、音效、画面表现等等,这将是玩家从未见过的全新俄罗斯方块表现形式。《俄罗斯方块效应》将支持 4K/60 帧的显示效果,游戏包含一个名为“Zone”的技能,允许玩家停止时间来阻止 Game Over。开发团队在为本作制作一个 Demo,会在近期上线。实机游戏截图:

As E3 SONY pre-show conference preheating first play, the official in June 6, on the evening of 23 points on time announced the tetris effect, this developed by shuikou zhe wild and the Rez infinite "music box" player-wise, will fall this year on PS4 platform, and support the PS VR. According to the official description, the tetris effect ", the basic style is still traditional tetris game, the game includes more than 30 level for the players to challenge, each level has a unique music, sound, animation, etc., this will be the new players have never seen a tetris forms. The tetris effect will support 4 k / 60 frames display effect, the Game contains a called "Zone" skills, allowing the player to stop time to stop the Game Over. The development team for this to make a Demo, will be launched in the near future. Real machine game screenshot: