新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水晶宫边锋扎哈入选科特迪瓦非洲杯初选名单


Crystal Palace winger Zaha is selected for the Ivorian Africa Cup primaries.

2016-12-30 02:22:36来源: 华体网

体育12月29日讯 水晶宫边锋扎哈入选了科特迪瓦国家队的初选大名单。 24岁出生于科特迪瓦的扎哈曾有过两次英格兰国家队出场经历,分别是2012年11月对阵瑞典的比赛,2013年对阵苏格兰的两场友谊赛比赛,也因为是友谊赛,他有权重新选择为哪一个国家队效力,此前他已经宣布自己将从英格兰转而...

Sports December 29th hearing Crystal Palace winger Zaha was selected for the Ivorian national team's primaries. The 24-year-old Ivory Coast-born Zaha has made two England international appearances, one against Sweden in November 2012, two friendlies against Scotland in 2013, and because of the friendlies, he has the right to choose which country to play for, having announced that he will move from England. And...