新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈登两双上海悍将砍33分 火箭季前赛首战胜上海

哈登两双上海悍将砍33分 火箭季前赛首战胜上海

Harden two pairs of Shanghai midfielder had 33 points first victory over the rockets preseason

2016-10-03 16:27:47来源: 华体网

10月3日 火箭坐镇丰田中心和上海男篮展开首场季前赛争夺,这是姚明拥有的球队和老东家的对垒,也是CBA球队第一次参加NBA季前赛,最终火箭131-94轻松击败上海队,取得季前赛首胜。 哈登贡献...

Rockets in Toyota center and Shanghai on October 3rd first pre-season for the men's basketball team, this is the team and yao Ming have against his former club, was the first time to participate in the NBA, CBA final rockets 131-94 beat the sharks, to obtain the first win in pre-season. Harden contribution...