新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乐视超级电视618再夺销量冠军 捍卫王者宝座

乐视超级电视618再夺销量冠军 捍卫王者宝座

618 to win sales of titles in the super TV to defend the king throne

2015-06-19 16:07:32来源: 比特网


6 month 19, music today announced record 618 electricity supplier, the super TV in lynx + Taobao, Jingdong, as the music store platform three full seasons 6.1-6.18 total sales exceeded 14 million units, 618 day sales exceeded 5.5 million units. Among them, lynx + Taobao platform super TV gains five first: the 618 promotion season (6.1-6.18), lynx + taobao net sales first, lynx + Taobao.