新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勇士夺冠概率高达90% 仅有三队总决赛0-2翻盘

勇士夺冠概率高达90% 仅有三队总决赛0-2翻盘

Warriors win probability is as high as 90% only three finals team 2-0 win

2016-06-06 11:32:01来源: 华体网

6月6日 总决赛今日展开第二场较量,勇士继续坐镇主场迎战骑士,最终他们以110-77大胜对手,总比分2-0领先。而数据证明,勇士已经有90%的概率夺冠,在NBA历史上,只有三支球队能够在0-2落...

On June 6. The finals today launched the second game, the warriors continued at home against knights, they eventually to a 110-77 victory, the total score 2-0 up. And the data show that the warriors have 90% chance of the title, in the history of the NBA, only three teams to 2-0 down...