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Changan city "Wu kongzhuan" pilgrimage to the west station

2014-11-05 10:52:56来源: 新浪

悟空传 CGWR 得分 CGWR:253 位 CGWR介绍 梦回长安城,这一站来到唐僧西天取经的首发站——长安城。长安城佛光满天,唐太宗正与众文臣武将在白马寺内祈福,忽然一道闪电击中了寺内的佛塔,竟将塔顶击落!唐太宗大惊,便命住持召集众僧人做法事以求平安。同行的魏征见这不平常的天...

Wukong Chuan CGWR score of CGWR:253 bit CGWR introduced back to Changan City, the station came to the monk Buddhist sutras starting station -- Changan city. Changan City Buddha light all over the sky, Tang Taizong and the fumiomi generals in the White Horse Temple to pray, suddenly a flash of lightning hit the Temple Pagoda, unexpectedly will top down! Tang Taizong was surprised, then life Abbot summoned the monks practice things to peace. Peer Wei Zheng see this unusual day...