新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新城控股“吾悦系”落子成都 主推体验式商业搅局..

新城控股“吾悦系”落子成都 主推体验式商业搅局..

Metro Holdings "Wu Yue" Lazi Chengdu main experience commercial spoiler..

2015-07-16 20:26:36来源: 每经网

在欧阳捷看来,当前的新城控股就像“奔跑的骆驼”,他认为商业地产正在加速进入跑马圈地阶段,部分布局不均衡的城市仍然存在商业机会,他们的产品线具有很强的竞争力。 (新城控股集团高级副总裁欧阳捷) ...

in Ouyang Jie opinion, the current Metro holdings like "run the camel", he believes that commercial real estate is accelerating into the phase of staking, uneven distribution of part of the city is still in business opportunities and their line of products with strong competitiveness. Ouyang Jie, senior vice president of Metro Holdings group...