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现代IONIQ环保电动版面世 快速充电仅需24分钟

The modern IONIQ environmental protection electric version of fast charging only 24 minutes

2016-03-19 06:20:15来源: 中国新闻网

据韩联社3月18日报道,现代汽车18日在济州道国际会展中心举行的“2016国际电动汽车博览会”上发布了环保汽车IONIQ的电动版“IONIQ EV”。 现代汽车副社长郭镇表示,通过车辆轻量化和最...

According to Yonhap News reported on March 18th, Hyundai Motor 18 in Jeju International Convention and Exhibition Center held the "2016 International Electric Automobile Exposition on the release of the green car IONIQ electric version of" IONIQ EV". Hyundai vice president Guo Zhen said, the lightweight vehicle and the most...