新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017年广西新闻出版广播影视工作会议在南宁召开


In 2017, press and publication, radio, film and television work conference held in nanning in guangxi

2017-01-12 02:21:19来源: 广西新闻网

2017年全区新闻出版广播影视工作会议在南宁召开。广西新闻网记者 邓昶摄 广西新闻网南宁1月11日讯(记者邓昶 刘文韬)1月11日,2017年全区新闻出版广播影视工作会议在南宁召开,记者从会上获悉...

In 2017 in the press and publication, radio, film and television work conference held in nanning. Guangxi news network reporter Deng Chang perturbation dispatch of nanning, guangxi news network on January 11 (reporter Deng Chang wen-tao liu) on January 11, 2017 in the press and publication, radio, film and television work conference held in nanning, the reporter learns from the meeting...