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All free combat MMORPG hand swim first revealed the monkey god of war

2017-04-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

东方题材与西方画风融合的全自由战斗MMORPG手游《齐天战神》概念先导片今日全网首发。 先导片首发,制作人解读游戏 在概念先导片中,制作团队亲自上阵,从游戏理念、风格、玩法等多角度解读游戏。叛逆世界观,拒绝传统的人类职业设定,以妖为主角,标新立异。“打造端游品质手游”是《齐天战神》制作团队的目标,也是制作团队不变的初心。此次还曝光了大量的游戏画面,光怪陆离的三界场景、个性的实时变装展示、打击感十足的战斗场面等,尽显制作诚意。 多人战斗,真人PK! 作为一款全自由战斗MMORPG手游,《齐天战神》真正做到无锁定、无束缚操作,360°自由旋转视角,大量的PVE、PVP玩法,野...

Oriental theme with the western style full free combat MMORPG tour "the monkey god of war" concept of the guide piece hand cut starting today. The guide piece starting, producer reading games Concept in pilot production, production team himself, from the game concept interpretation, style, style and other angles. Rebel world view, refused to traditional human professional setting, demon as leading role, do STH unconventional or unorthodox. "Make the swim quality mobile game" is the goal of the monkey god of war team, also is the same production team beginner's mind. The picture also exposes a lot of games, bizarre scene, permeating the character of real-time display, blow drag feels dye-in-the-wood battle scenes and so on, all show sincerity. Many people fight, reality PK! As a fully free combat MMORPG mobile game, "the monkey god of war" truly without locking, bondage, free rotating Angle 360 °, PVE and PVP game, wild...

标签: 手游