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The Yangjiang power supply company has praised the hidden danger of electricity utilization.

2016-07-19 16:55:49来源: 中国电力新闻网

中电新闻网讯 通讯员 吴信鑫 杨殿 报道 7月14日下午,阳江阳西局上洋供电所运维班接到上洋镇南山海村旭日星海酒店负责人的来电,说酒店每天到夜晚的时候电压就低,怀疑供电线路出现电压不够的问题,要求派...

China Telecom News Network correspondent Wu Xinxin Yang Dian reported that on the afternoon of July 14, Yangjiang West Bureau Shanghai Power Supply Station Operations and Maintenance Ban received a call from the head of the Sunrise Star Sea Hotel in Nanshan Haicun, Shangyang Town, saying that the voltage of the hotel was low every day until night, suspicious of insufficient voltage in the power supply line, and demanded to send uuuu