新关注 > 信息聚合 > 比永博7+4输球这锅该背吗?瓦兰复出让猛龙陷困境


Than ever and Po 7 + 4 defeat this pot the back? Varin return to Toronto in difficulty

2016-05-26 12:09:39来源: 网易

网易体育5月26日报道: 猛龙客场78-116不敌骑士,输掉天王山大比分2-3落后,此前两战表现抢眼的俾斯麦-比永博打了21分钟,3投2中得到7分4个篮板1次封盖,和过去两战场均6分20个篮板3....

On May 26, netease sports coverage: knights of the raptors at 78-78 loss, lose the heavenly king Alexander score 2-3, after two games strong bismarck - than ever and bo played 21 minutes, 2 of 3 shots 1 BPG had seven points and four rebounds, and the last two are 6 points and 20 rebounds and 3...