新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中秋将至 三星堆博物馆晒出文物月饼

中秋将至 三星堆博物馆晒出文物月饼

The moon cake Mid-Autumn festival to sanxingdui museum of cultural relics

2016-09-08 18:44:45来源: 新浪

原标题:三星堆博物馆晒月饼 四川广汉三星堆博物馆官微晒出两个青铜面像形状的月饼,样子新奇又戳中萌点。引得不少网友留言讨要模具。有网友问:“这个月饼咬起来有没有青铜的味道?” 吃月饼不忘学知识...

The original title: sanxingdui museum sun moon cakes Sichuan guanghan sanxingdui museum officer micro of the two bronze surface as the shape of the moon cakes, appearance of point in the novel and stamp. Attracted a lot of net friend message for mold. A net friend asked: "the taste of the moon cakes have bite bronze?" Eat moon cakes don't forget to learn knowledge...

标签: 三星