新关注 > 信息聚合 > 央视女主持为C罗热泪盈眶:足球场的詹姆斯!


CCTV, the hostess for cristiano ronaldo to tears: football James!

2016-06-23 03:29:29来源: 新浪

央视女主持王洁 新浪体育讯 葡萄牙3比3战平匈牙利,惊险的获得欧洲杯小组出线权,他们三次落后三次扳平,当家球星C罗更是打进了两个关键进球。对此,央视女主播王洁在评球时忍不住热泪盈眶。 在赛后...

CCTV, the hostess wang jie Dispatch of sina sports Portugal 3 to 3 draw with Hungary, breathtaking for euro group, they three behind three chances, star cristiano ronaldo scored two key goal. To this, CCTV anchorwoman wang jie in the evaluation of the ball can't help but to tears. After the game...