新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山西王牌头缠绷带被逼上场 说好的不靠外援呢?

山西王牌头缠绷带被逼上场 说好的不靠外援呢?

Shanxi trump card bandage is forced to play, do not rely on foreign aid?

2017-01-12 20:34:20来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 富兰克林头缠绷带上阵 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月11日,山西男篮在客场以95-108不敌辽宁男篮。26轮比赛过后,山西队13胜13负,继续在季后赛的边缘徘徊。 本场比赛的下半场,富兰克林在一次拼抢中受伤下场,经过紧急的包扎,他重新回到了场上。只是他的形...

In the video loading, please wait a minute... Franklin put his head on a bandage for Sina Sports News Beijing time on January 11, Shanxi Men's Basketball Team lost to Liaoning Men's Basketball Team 95-108 away. After the 26 round of competition, Shanxi team 13 wins 13 defeats, continues to wander at the edge of the playoffs. In the second half of the game, Franklin was injured in a scramble and returned to the field after urgent dressing. It's just his shape.