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富力悍将30岁喜得贵子 王晓龙:看到孩子手发抖

Have a son fuli specialist 30 Wangxiaolong: see children hands trembling

2016-06-07 16:37:27来源: 华体网

北京时间6月7日,广州富力队球员王晓龙在广州喜得贵子,这名中超悍将终于在自己人生三十岁的年纪如愿当爹。 据悉王晓龙与妻子在2011年6月21日就已领证结婚。谈到自己的妻子,王晓龙表示:“我的妻子...

Beijing time on June 7, guangzhou r&f wangxiaolong team players have a son in guangzhou, the Chinese super man in his 30 years of age wish when life finally dad. The wangxiaolong on June 21, 2011, with his wife had to license to get married. When it comes to his wife, wangxiaolong said: "my wife...