新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迪丽热巴张彬彬演绎势均力敌的爱情 《秦时丽人明月心》优酷热播中

迪丽热巴张彬彬演绎势均力敌的爱情 《秦时丽人明月心》优酷热播中

Dillon hot ba bin-bin zhang deductive close love "warlords beauty bright moon" optimal heat in

2017-08-15 15:46:33来源: DoNews


Now TV isn't the virgin white lotus flower in the world, this can be seen from the hit the ChuQiaoChuan before then, Dui day Dui andreas Dui fate let many people sigh: she should be so malicious! Andreas measured, can be in early YuWenFu with careful thought to protect sister, revenge for brother; Late but also led the troops in battle, so strong not tying of fate, only more accord with the present female values. Social progress, women's status improved, all are no longer willing to watch that kind tender Cinderella all the drama of the detention center, with love "female" are more feeling, isn't it? Recently found a tying, on August 13, is already in youku online the warlords beauty bright moon, Dillon hot GongSunLi of the film. Dillon hot and play the role of ying zheng bin-bin zhang had cooperated "junior iii li, peach blossom", "beautiful li", now three times cooperation, finally is no longer "ships". But I thought this cooperation is to candy...