新关注 > 信息聚合 > 支付宝推出海外直购服务 梅西百货一秒钟变淘宝

支付宝推出海外直购服务 梅西百货一秒钟变淘宝

Alipay launched overseas direct purchase of service Messi department store a second variable Taobao

2014-11-20 15:01:23来源: Tech2IPO

TECH2IPO/创见北京报道:尽管现在海淘已经不再是新鲜事,仅 2013 年一年,中国消费者在海外网站上的消费额都达到了 330 亿美元,即便如此,在物流环节上仍然让海淘爱好者没有太多的“安全感”,包裹发出后总有“听天由命”的感觉,支付方式也让很多中国用户不太习惯,想着如果支持“支付宝...

TECH2IPO/ original Beijing reported: although now the sea Tao is not new, only a year in 2013, China consumers in the overseas sites on the spending of $33000000000, even so, in the logistics links still let the sea washes the lovers do not have too much "sense of security", the total "package resign oneself to one's fate" feeling after the issue of payment, also let a lot of Chinese users not in the habit of thinking, if support for "pay treasure...