新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台湾4米巫妖王雕塑正式揭幕:霸气值爆表


Taiwan's 4 meters of the lich king sculpture official opening: the forward value extraordinary

2016-07-27 15:31:31来源: 环球网

上周消息,暴雪为了迎接即将到来的25周年纪念,决定在台湾树一尊高达4米的阿尔萨斯巫妖王雕塑。 现在,这尊雕塑已经在台中市草悟道正式揭幕,手持霜之哀伤的巫妖王霸气值爆表,现场还举行了隆重的庆祝活动。 这座青铜雕像高3.2米(含底座总高4.5米)、长4.6米、宽2.1米,重达1,814...

Last week, news, blizzard in order to meet the coming 25 anniversary, a decision tree in Taiwan up to 4 meters of arthas lich king statue. Now, this statue has been officially unveiled in taichung city grass enlightenment, holding the frost of grief lich Wang Ba gas value extraordinary, the scene also held a grand celebration. The bronze statue is 3.2 meters tall (including base total 4.5 meters high), 4.6 meters long, 2.1 meters wide, weighs 1814...