新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皇马传奇:今年金球奖无悬念 C罗已把金球带回家

皇马传奇:今年金球奖无悬念 C罗已把金球带回家

The legend of Real Madrid: this year's golden ball is not in suspense. C Luo has brought the golden ball home.

2016-10-15 01:44:30来源: 华体网

近日,皇马传奇球星罗伯特-卡洛斯在接受媒体采访时表示,今年的金球奖毫无悬念,肯定属于C罗。他还调侃说,事实上C罗已经将金球奖带回了家,只是没有告诉别人而已。 卡洛斯说:“我认为C罗已经把金球奖带...

Recently, Real Madrid legendary star Robert Carlos in an interview with the media said that this year's Golden Ball Award is no doubt, it must belong to Ronaldo. He also quipped that in fact, C Luo had brought the golden ball award home, but he didn't tell anyone else. Carlos said: "I think C Luo has brought the Golden Globe Award.