新关注 > 信息聚合 > 1.20电商晚报:携程涉嫌组团伊拉克买媳妇


1.20 electricity evening news: ctrip suspected group buy daughter-in-law in Iraq

2017-01-20 17:57:54来源: 亿邦动力网

淘宝重磅升级假货规则 新增“三振出局”制今日,淘宝网发布《淘宝网出售假冒商品相关规则及实施细则变更公示通知》,进一步调整出售假冒商品相关规则,新增“三振出局”规则。所谓的“三振出局”制,是指卖家每次出售假冒、盗版商品的行为记为一次,若同一卖家出售假冒、盗版商品的次数累计达三次的,则将被永久查封账户。据悉,此次规则变更将于2017年2月21日正式生效。(来源:电商在线)携程涉嫌组团伊拉克“买媳妇” 已删除项目日前,携程被网友爆出组织单身游客去伊拉克联谊,涉嫌“买媳妇”,其内容为组团去伊拉克参加单身联谊会,并可协助游客帮心仪女性办理赴华手续,聘礼仅需1000多美金。截至发稿,携程方面仍未就此事作出...

Taobao big upgrade fake rules The new "three strikes" system today, taobao issued "taobao sell counterfeit goods related rules and the detailed rules for the implementation of the public notice change, further adjusting selling counterfeit goods related rules, the new" three strikes "rule. The so-called "three strikes" system, is refers to the sellers every time the behavior of the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods remember as a, if the same vendors selling counterfeit and pirated goods up to three times the number of accumulative total, will be permanently closed account. It is understood that the rule changes will take effect on February 21, 2017. (source: electricity business online) ctrip suspected group "buy daughter-in-law" project has been deleted from Iraq, ctrip by netizens when single tourists go to Iraq fellowship, alleged "buy daughter-in-law", its content is group went to Iraq for single fraternity, and can help visitors help girl go through the formalities in China, dowry only more than 1000 dollars. By the end of time, ctrip aspects are still not on the...

标签: 电商