新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丁磊柳岩同场开黑《终结者2:审判日》最爆战局今晚开启


Ding Leiliu rock along a black terminator 2: judgment day "the most critical game on tonight

2017-11-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

网易快节奏枪战竞技手游《终结者2:审判日》开测以来人气飞升,目前雄踞App Store游戏免费榜首位,成为了近期最耀眼的明星新游。今晚更有重磅惊喜“空降”,网易大佬丁磊将联手性感女神柳岩以及触手一哥籽岷、网易CC直播主播咖啡组队开黑, 18:30-20:00进入游戏四排的玩家将可能遇到明星战队,战场上谁给丁磊一枪有可能为全服玩家赢得金币大礼,神秘人身份今晚揭晓! 《终结者2:审判日》最爆战局今晚开启 竞技大片上映,百万玩家谁将成为主演 今晚18:30-20:00期间,一部由丁磊、柳岩及神秘人领衔主演,百万玩家乱入参演的竞技大作《谁给丁磊一枪》将在网易杭州总部隆重上映。活动全程由网易...

Netease fast-paced shooting sports tour "terminator 2: judgment day" hand open since measuring popularity to soar, the current in the App Store at the top of a free game, became the most dazzling star XinYou recently. Are more big surprise "airborne" tonight, netease bosses ding will jointly sexy goddess Ada and tentacles one seed he, netease CC broadcast the host team to open the black coffee, 18:30-20:00 into four rows of game players will star team, we may meet on the battlefield who give ding a gun is likely to win gold gift for all players, mysterious identity announced tonight! Terminator 2: judgment day, "the most critical game tonight open competitive large, millions of players who will be the star Tonight 18:30-20:00, a film starring by ding, Ada and mysterious, millions of players disorderly into in competitive work "who give ding a gun" will be shown in netease hangzhou headquarters. Activities by netease all the...