新关注 > 信息聚合 > 寂寞大神不是只会3分:别再说我不能扣篮了


Lonely god not only three points: don't say I can't Slam Dunk

2017-01-09 04:44:17来源: 新浪

费雷戴特在比赛中 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月8日,CBA全明星赛在北京首钢队主场五棵松继续进行,弗雷戴特在三分大赛中拿到了冠军。不仅在三分大赛中拿到了冠军,弗雷戴特还在全明星赛中上演了扣篮的表演。...

Ferre wear in the game Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on Jan. 8, CBA all-star game in Beijing wukesong shougang team home continued, Frey wear with the three-point contest. Not only earned the title in three series, Fred, dai added at all-star game dunk. ...