新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多部门严肃查处一批网络游戏违法犯罪重大案件


Many departments investigate a number of online game of major criminal cases

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

中宣部、中央网信办、教育部、公安部、文化部等部门近日联合印发《关于严格规范网络游戏市场管理的意见》。按照意见统一部署,有关部门在全国范围内开展严格规范网络游戏市场管理专项行动并取得明显成效。28日,公安部、文化部、全国“扫黄打非”办公布了河南郑州陈长阳传播淫秽物品案等7项网络游戏违法犯罪重大案件。 ――河南郑州陈长阳传播淫秽物品案。2018年1月,文化部门通报关于9877小游戏网(http://www.9877n.com/)涉嫌淫秽色情的线索情况,网站服务器属地河南省郑州市公安机关立即开展情况核实与案件侦查。经查,该网站服务器为郑州紫田网络公司所有,网站上各类小游戏共计4255款,其中涉嫌...

The central propaganda department, the central net letter office, the ministry of education, ministry of public security, ministry of culture and other departments recently jointly issued by the "on strictly regulate the network game's opinions on market management. Relevant departments in accordance with the unified opinion deployed across the country to carry out strictly regulate online gaming market management special operation and significant results were obtained. 28, the ministry of public security, the ministry of culture, the national "against pornography and illegal publications" published in henan zhengzhou Chen Changyang spread pornographic materials, such as seven network game of major criminal cases. - henan zhengzhou Chen Changyang spread pornographic materials. In January 2018, the culture awareness of about 9877 small game network (http://www.9877n.com/) clues, suspected of pornographic web server apanage of zhengzhou city, henan province, the public security organs immediately to carry out the verification to the case investigation. As the web server for zhengzhou purple field network, website, all kinds of games, a total of 4255, of which the alleged...

标签: 游戏