新关注 > 信息聚合 > “抗战季”再见王雷 “能量派”领衔扫毒

“抗战季”再见王雷 “能量派”领衔扫毒

"Season of the war of resistance against Japan" goodbye wang lei "energy" leading the cracked down

2016-09-07 02:59:30来源: 大众网


S pin poison resistance play legend "anger hero" was held today in Beijing premiere ceremony, director wei-ning MAO, youth strength actor wang lei, jiajia deng, HuoZheng proverbs, jojo attended the conference. The wang lei as male one plays from the underlying a worm into yuan shuai "pin poison hero", led by the "season" of the war of resistance against Japan is quite anticipated war drama. Conference on the same day, "season" of the war of resistance against Japan "old friend" wang lei Shared a very familiar with the senior team of...