新关注 > 信息聚合 > 消息称苹果9月发布会将带来新品AR眼镜


September conference news that apple will bring new AR glasses

2017-08-14 09:39:58来源: DoNews

DoNews8月14日消息 (记者 费倩文)据台湾产业链给出的最新内部显示,下个月苹果将发布AR眼镜,其具备3D相机功能,并且内置了一系列传感器,由于是iPhone最酷的配件,所以它并没有屏幕,据说鸿海与和硕将代工这款新品。不过也有产业链消息人士透露,这款AR眼镜创新力度要远超苹果的AirPods,但目前的问题是,它可能9月被发布后,真正大面积上市开卖在2018年。至于这款AR眼镜的售价,有消息称会在2000元左右,但也可能更贵,而且还号称要做苹果史上最酷新品。库克已经不止一次的表示,苹果看好AR技术,并且会加大对这个领域的投入。从目前曝光的iPhone 8谍照看,其双摄变成竖排就是为了AR。(完)

DoNews8 14 news (reporter FeiQianWen), according to the latest internal industry chain is given according to the Taiwan apple will be released next month AR glasses, it have 3 d camera function, and built a series of sensors, due to the iPhone is the coolest accessories, so it is not screen, it is said that hon hai and will contract to recognize this new product. But there are sources of industry chain, this AR glasses innovation AirPods want far in excess of the apple, but the present question is that it could be released in September, really large area listed on sale in 2018. As for the AR glasses price, sources say will be in 2000 yuan, but also may be more expensive, but also to be the coolest new product in apple's history. Cook has more than once, said apple on AR technology, and will increase the investment in this area. From the recent exposure of the iPhone 8 photos, the double taken into landscape to AR. (after)

标签: 苹果