新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孩子玩游戏成绩提高 日本母亲写信感谢光荣

孩子玩游戏成绩提高 日本母亲写信感谢光荣

Children playing game scores improved Japanese mother write thank glorious

2015-10-21 09:55:46来源: 游久网


[introduction to] mother mentioned, because of ancient generals for the children of this age, full of complex and difficult to remember the name of Chinese characters, and celebrities live in cities and other questions, but the son after playing this game, but it can firmly in mind, let the child's concept of history and geography have great progress. See the children's performance by the great leap forward, she to the game company propaganda "for the sake of their children, asks you to Edo warriors, the warriors and bright...

标签: 游戏