新关注 > 信息聚合 > 初见,触龙神!《传奇永恒》新野外蜈蚣洞掠影


First, dragon touch! "Legend" new field centipede hole of the eternal

2015-01-10 16:48:35来源: 电玩巴士

蜈蚣洞,洞中的各类毒虫如邪恶钳虫,是战士玩家练级打宝的好去处;作为BOSS的触龙神,更是初代玩家们的争相攻略的对象。今日,《传奇永恒》就带您走进最新野外地图蜈蚣洞,一窥曲径迷踪,搜罗洞内神器,更有触龙神BOSS的一手攻略。 《传奇永恒》新野外蜈蚣洞掠影视频: http://v.y...

centipede hole, hole all the vermin such as evil worm clamp, is a good place for fighter game player playing Lian Ji Bao; as BOSS touch God, more is the object of primary game player are scrambling to raiders. Today, "legend" is the eternal with you into the new field map centipede hole, a glimpse of the labyrinth behind, including inside the artifact, more dragon touch BOSS hand raiders. "The legend of the eternal" new field centipede hole glimpse of the video: http://v.y...