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囧!格里芬为保罗掩护出妙招 将球鞋扔对手脸上

Sorry! Griffin cover for Paul the coup Will throw opponents face sneakers

2016-10-07 04:57:07来源: 新浪

你芬真会玩 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月7日,据雅虎体育报道,洛杉矶快船与多伦多猛龙的季前赛中发生了有趣的一幕:在一次半场进攻中,快船后卫贾马尔-克劳福德的一只鞋子不慎掉了,随后布雷克-格里芬捡起球鞋,但是他在把鞋子扔出场外的时候不小心砸到了猛龙后卫科里-约瑟夫的脸上。 当时比赛进...

You will play sina sports - he really (Beijing time) on October 7, according to yahoo! Sports, have taken place in the Los Angeles clippers and the Toronto raptors preseason interesting scene: in a half-court attack, the clippers guard jamal crawford a shoe accidentally dropped, then Blake griffin - picked up the shoe, but he threw the shoes off when accidentally hit the raptors guard Corey Joseph's face. The game into...