新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两名大学生的青春梦!《傀儡的愤怒》9月上架


Two college students dream of youth! "The puppet anger" on September

2016-07-20 10:55:53来源: 17173

《傀儡的愤怒》(Golem Rage)是由国外两个年轻的大学生独立开发的萌系RPG手游,游戏8月中期会进行测试9月正式IOS上架。下面是游戏预告介绍。 《傀儡的愤怒》主角是一个疑似木头制作的傀儡,它热爱冒险和战斗,时刻准备着前往未知的远方和不同的敌人战斗。游戏设计了相当丰富的战斗地图...

The puppet anger (Golem Rage) is independently developed by the two young college students abroad of RPG mobile game, game testing will be carried out in mid August September officially IOS. Here is the game trailer is introduced. "The puppet anger" leading role is a suspected a wooden puppet, it love adventures and battles, ready to go to the unknown distance and different fighting the enemy. Game design quite rich battle map...