新关注 > 信息聚合 > Supescell游戏制作人Timur Haussila先生:最好的..

Supescell游戏制作人Timur Haussila先生:最好的..

Supescell game producer Timur Haussila Mr.: the best..

2015-07-31 20:22:58来源: 4399


4399 mobile gaming network on July 31, Shanghai reported that ChinaJoy2015 meeting the same period 2015 World Conference on mobile games (wmgc) have been on July 30 in Shanghai Kerry hotel was held. The Congress to "the 'shift' should be asked, 'move' see the rise and fall of the" as the theme, invited many people in the industry attended the meeting and made a speech. Today, the theme of the summit to enter the second day of the agenda. Supescell game producer Ti...

标签: 游戏